素叉燒包 Vegetarian Char Siu Bao
成份:水, 中筋麵粉, 花生蛋白, 大豆蛋白, 小麥蛋白, 水, 鹽, 糖, 醬油, 老抽, 麵豉, 醬油, 麥芽糖漿(大米、大麥麥芽), 脫水大蒜, 香料, 蜂蜜, 改性澱粉
食用方法 : 蒸熱
1. 便當於室溫解凍致軟身或可早1晚放4度雪櫃解凍
2. 將便當放進蒸櫃內
3. 加熱前請勿打開熱封膜
4. 調致攝氏85度溫度(中小火)
5. 加熱30分鐘直致食物內部溫熱
( 不夠熱時,可再加熱數分鐘 )
食用方法 : 微波加熱
1. 便當於室溫解凍致軟身或可早 1 晚放 4 度雪櫃解凍
2. 將整個便當放進微波爐內
3. 加熱前 請打開 熱封膜
4. 用微波爐以 700w 加熱 2 分鐘 按需要可再加熱
( 不夠熱時,可再加熱30秒至核心溫度溫熱 )
This product was produced in a factory where crustacea, fish, milk, soya beans, tree nuts and their products are also handled.
Hong Kong Food Factory Licence
Permit No./編號:4991810640
製造商:幸福元氣有限公司 My Care Healthcare Limited
香港新界昌榮路9-11號同珍工業大厦A座3樓E2室 電話:3905 4555
E2,3/F,BlkA,Tung Chun Ind Bldg.,9-11 Cheung Wing Road, Kwai Chung, N.T. Hong Kong Tel.:3905 4555
參考IDDSI標準4/5 級
The International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative 2016 @https://iddsi.org/framework/ Attribution is NOT PERMITTED for derivative works incorporating any alterations to the IDDSI Framework that extend beyond language translation. Supplementary Notice: Modification of the diagrams or descriptors within the IDDSI Framework is DISCOURAGED and NOT RECOMMENDED. Alterations to elements of the IDDSI framework may lead to confusion and errors in diet texture or drink selection for patients with dysphagia. Such errors have previously been associated with adverse events including choking and death.
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